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Life insurance is protection against financial loss resulting from death. It is an insurance company's promise to pay your beneficiary a specific amount of money when you die in exchange for timely payment of premiums. The Jacobs Company offers Low-Cost Term Insurance with guaranteed level rates. Universal, Variable Universal, and Corporate Sponsored Plans are also available.

Why do I need life insurance?

Although you may not think about it, your ability to earn income is a significant asset and life insurance helps replace lost income in the event of your premature death. Here are some reasons people buy life insurance.

The death benefit may be used:

  • To replace income the family would need to maintain their standard of living after the death of a wage earner.
  • To pay off a mortgage loan and other personal and business debts or to create a rent fund.
  • To create a fund for children's education.
  • To pay final expenses, such as funeral costs and taxes.
  • To create a family emergency fund or a fund for a family member with special needs.

To find the right plan to fit your needs, contact The Jacobs Company today or click here to obtain a quote

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